3.2.1 Human resources manager/coordinator

  • To avoid recruiting the wrong candidates, conduct reference checks before any new hiring. Include specific questions in reference checks on this aspect of their past behaviour.
  • Strive for gender balance in staff. Include at least one or two women in each field team.
  • The human resource person, the gender coordinator or the programme manager should give and explain CARE’s policy/Code of conduct to each new and existing employee.
  • Each employee should be required to sign the agreement to abide by the Code of conduct.
  • It is desirable to organise an orientation workshop for all deputed staff and their supervisors (refer Annex 33.7 CARE USA’s short orientation module for emergency staff and a facilitation guide with additional guidelines and activities for longer training).
  • Explicitly include in the job description of the team leader/HR manager, responsibility to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation by staff.
  • CARE’s policy/code should be communicated/discussed with all partners and their staff, and included in the partner agreements. Partners should be encouraged to get all their staff to review and sign a similar code.
  • Organise additional skill-building events for those with significant responsibilities, for receiving, investigating and/or responding to reported incidents.