9.2 Key questions and strategy format
Based on an assessment of available evidence and realities on the ground, the basic questions that must be answered when developing an advocacy strategy are:
- What is/are the key humanitarian problem(s)?
- What are the goals and objectives for advocacy to resolve the problem(s)?
- What are the target audiences at the local, national and international levels that have the power to resolve the problem(s)?
- Who are the main allies and opponents of CARE’s recommendations?
- What are the key messages for concrete action by the target audiences, as well as the tools and strategies for delivering these messages?
The following format is a useful guide to develop and document the advocacy strategy. It is adapted from Annex 28.8 Template for planning an advocacy strategy (Oxfam International).
Title of issue and strategy:
Date finalised:
Expected duration of strategy:
Status update:
- Problem(s)
- Goal
- Specific objectives
- Rationale for CARE advocacy
- Targets
- Power analysis
- Allies/opponents/working in coalition
- Messages
- Tools/actions
o Research
o Policy development
o Lobbying
o Media
o Popular mobilisation
o Funding of others - Opportunities and events
- Human and financial resources
- Risk management
- Monitoring and evaluation
Source: Adapted from Oxfam GB