3.4 Partner Capacity Assessment
If CARE is planning to deliver cash assistance through partners, the following CBI-specific check-list should be applied to partner capacity assessment:
- Previous or on‐going experiences with the design and implementation of CBI for emergency or longer‐term response (e.g. safety nets);
- Previous or on‐going experiences with distribution (including in‐kind distribution);
- Existing activity reports of these experiences;
- Existing financial reporting of these experiences;
- Existence of financial systems and sign off procedures that enable CBI;
- Existence of procurement systems that enable CBI;
- Existence of Standard Operating Procedures on CBI;
- Existence of data protection policy;
- Clear share of roles and responsibilities within the partner team members for the implementation of CBI;
- Existence of Monitoring and Evaluation framework and tools reflecting the use of CBI with appropriate process and impact indicators;
- Experience in analysing and monitoring market trends;
- Technical and operational capacity of partner staff to implement and monitor CBI even in the aftermath of a shock;
- Presence of full time employees with the required skills and capacities in terms of CBI;
- Understanding of the resources needed to design, implement and monitor good quality CBI.