8. Alignment with CARE’s principles

CARE’s strategy must be aligned with CARE’s principles. This includes CARE’s own programming principles as well as the common humanitarian principles to which CARE is committed (see Chapter 2 Humanitarian policy framework, and Chapter 32 Quality and accountability).

When developing the emergency programme strategy, consider how these principles need to be applied in the specific context of the emergency and CARE’s response to it. The questions in sections 8.1 and 8.2 can help. It is useful to highlight the key issues and principles that underpin CARE’s approach to the emergency in the strategy document.

Principle 1:  Promote empowerment


  • How will CARE’s emergency response activities promote empowerment, particularly of women & girls?
  • How will CARE’s response promote the rights of disaster-affected women, men, boys & girls?
  • How are disaster-affected women, men, boys & girls going to be involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of CARE’s emergency response programmes?
Principle 2:  Work with partners 


  • Who are the key partners for CARE’s emergency response?
  • What are the strategic alliances that CARE will build to strengthen the impact of our response?
Principle 3:  Ensure
and promote responsibility


  • Who is responsible to ensure that the rights of women, men, boys & girls affected by the emergency are realised? How can responsibility be promoted?
  • How will CARE be accountable to disaster-affected women, men, boys & girls for our response?
Principle 4:  Address


  • How does discrimination affect the rights of women, men, boys & girls affected by the disaster? Has it increased as a result of the emergency?
  • Which groups of people are being discriminated against?
  • How will CARE ensure that its programmes address discrimination?
Principle 5:  Promote the non-violent resolution of conflicts


  • What are the conflict dynamics in the emergency situation?
  • How can CARE’s strategy promote the non-violent resolution of conflict?
Principle 6:  Seek sustainable results


  • What are the underlying causes of the crisis?
  • How can CARE’s strategy have positive long-term impacts on underlying causes?
  • While immediate relief may be temporary, how will CARE’s longer-term engagement in recovery promote sustainability?

The international humanitarian community has a set of agreed principles by which relief agencies should operate. CARE’s strategy should be consistent with the international humanitarian principles outlined in CARE’s humanitarian mandate statement: