6.3 Communication and media

It is important to have a clear understanding of media protocols, sign-off procedures and visibility requirements during the partnership. A partnership may provide some confusion and frustration on this at times. Both partners want to be recognised for their work. But a partnership also provides an opportunity to complement each other’s media efforts. The following actions are recommended:

  • Agree on how visibility of the partner and CARE (names, logos, etc.) will be handled in printed materials, accessories, field activity branding, etc.
  • Agree with the partner how media communications will be handled.
  • Keep partners informed on communications strategy and activities.
  • Train partners on how to deal with the media.
  • Ask partners to share communication material (photos, videos) from the field
  • Mention partners in media communications (if they agree to be mentioned and it is safe to do so).
  • Include partners in information provided to beneficiaries or other stakeholders.
  • Assist partners to develop profiles or communications materials as needed.
  • Consider how partners might be involved. Can they assist with local press? How can CARE help them to get local/national media attention?
  • Think about using partner spokespeople, but brief and train them if you do.

See also Chapter 13 Media.