4.3 Developing the strategy

To manage the process of developing the strategy:

  • develop the strategy as quickly as possible, on the basis of initial rapid assessment data and contextual analysis
  • remember that assessments and strategy revision are iterative processes, which will be repeated at later stages of the response
  • consult the EPP for draft inputs for the strategy and adapt to the actual situation in the strategy development process
  • focus on what CARE would like to achieve in the future with clear goals, objectives and links to the CO’s existing long-range strategic plan
  • ensure the broader emergency response team is engaged in providing inputs and endorsing the strategy, including the assessment team, operational support units, Country Director, emergency team leader, and under the leadership of the ACD programme or Emergency Coordinator.

CARE’s strategy should be driven by the humanitarian imperative and based on need. Recognising that CARE will not be able to meet every need, deciding what CARE will do should be determined by analysing the following three factors and identifying the niche where all three factors align:

  • priority humanitarian needs
  • what others are doing-for example, donors, NGOs and government-and what gaps remain
  • CARE’s expertise and capacity to assist.

In addition to outlining what CARE will do, the strategy should also outline how CARE will approach important cross-cutting issues, key risk factors and other elements unique to the context of the specific emergency.

  • What period of time will the strategy cover?
  • What is CARE’s potential role and ‘value added’ within the overall response?
  • What are the short-term and long-term goals of the CARE response actions?
  • How will these goals be achieved?
  • What resources are required (funding, human resources) to accomplish these goals?
  • Does CARE have a presence in the affected geographical area? If yes, what type of programming is currently being implemented?
  • How will CARE switch from the current programming to the emergency response activities?
  • What type of actions would it require?
  • Is CARE going to carry out the activities directly or with partners? Who are the partners?
  • If CARE does not currently have presence in the area, what actions would be required to start the response operations?
  • What potential harm can be done through these activities?
  • How will compliance with CARE’s Humanitarian Accountability Framework (including meeting internationally recognised minimum standards) be ensured?
  • How will CARE communicate the strategy to the target population?
  • How is CARE planning to phase out from the response actions at the end of the emergency?

If CARE’s objective is to provide long-term assistance to the affected population, what type of programmes will CARE implement upon completing the immediate relief operation?