4.5 Communicating the strategy
The strategy should first be sent the Head of Emergency Program Quality who will review the strategy with the CO and then facilitate broader distribution to CARE international distribution lists such as ERWG and COMWG (refer to Chapter 21 Information management). Communicating the strategy to internal stakeholders helps to ensure that CARE International’s resources are mobilised in a coordinated way to support priorities defined by the CO.
The CO should also share the strategy with key external stakeholders, including donors, the host government, CARE’s partners and peer NGOs. Communicating the strategy to external stakeholders helps to ensure that CARE informs other actors of where we believe our capacities lie, what humanitarian needs CARE will address and what gaps in the overall response we can fill. This promotes better interagency coordination of activities, helps donors know what activities require support and helps negotiate our role with host authorities. If sensitive issues are included in the strategy analysis, a different version may sometimes need to be prepared for external audiences. The Country Director or team leader should determine which external stakeholders the strategy will be sent to (refer also to Chapter 21 Information management).