8. Critical incident management
CARE emergency operations may be affected by crisis or critical incidents (accidents, attacks, kidnapping, medial emergency, etc.). A systematic, planned response for crises will help lessen the impact on individuals and on the organisation, should they occur. Planning for critical incident management is part of the contingency planning process and includes the development of flowcharts, which can help assist decision-making during difficult and stressful conditions.
A Crisis Management Team (CMT) needs to be established, and some planning (Crisis Management Plan) should be discussed and rehearsed before a crisis hits. This team may be the same as the CO ERT. The team should consist of a Crisis Management Team Leader, Operations Manager, HR coordinator, media spokesperson, administration/finance, and the Security Focal Point and/or officer in addition to alternative contacts in case of absence. Other roles should be added as needed for the situation, such as a legal consultant. The members of the Crisis Management Team should have the authority and skill to make decisions, and the time to devote to the management of the crisis. During more acute crises, technical support from the Lead Member, the CARE International Safety and Security Unit or other personnel will be deployed.
Refer to the Critical incident management guidelines in Annex 14.2 Security Management Plan, Annex 14.6 Security Management Planning handbook, and CARE International safety and security protocol (refer chapter four, protocol C1).