6.2 Procurement, logistics and administration
Partner procurement, logistics and administration systems are often less developed than CARE’s. Their staff might also have limited capacity to scale-up or manage more complex procedures. This can raise concerns about compliance. Tips include:
- Partner operational systems and staff should be covered by assessments. This should be done by someone who understands procurement and logistics.
- Emergencies make procurement, warehousing and transport more difficult. Consider if it might be better for CARE to cover some of these functions.
- Compliance does not mean that partners must mimic CARE systems. Aim for adequate accountability, not for replication of what CARE does.
- Country Office procurement and logistics rules are often stricter than those of its donors; examples can include thresholds for bids and local shopping rules. Consider using this additional flexibility while still ensuring adequate controls.
- Give basic guidelines for procurement and logistics to partners. Include them in annexes to contracts (including, for example, rules on source origin and nationality).
- Provide sample formats for any logistics tasks that partners will undertake.
- Offer on-site training on warehousing/distribution where appropriate. Also consider seconding staff or having partner staff shadow CARE operations.
- Explain and, if necessary, help partners to put in place a simple system for asset management, and make sure rules on this are stated in the contract.
See also Chapter 15 Logistics, Chapter 16 Procurement, and Chapter 18 Administration.