9. Fuel management
- Put in place a system for issuing and monitoring fuel for both vehicles and generator fuel.
- Closely track fuel consumption, costs and supply.
In emergency situations, management and tracking of fuel for vehicles is a potential problem due to limited supply, access and high value. Systems and control measures need to be in place to guarantee sufficient supply for CARE’s operations, and to reduce the possibility of theft.
When issuing fuel coupons:
- users should use a Fuel Requisition Voucher (Annex 18.55), which is signed and approved by a higher authority
- only one person should be authorised to dispense fuel or to provide fuel coupons
- under no circumstances should fuel or fuel coupons be released without proper approvals.
Where CARE is using a fuel provider:
- CARE should enter into an agreement with the fuel provider to establish a system where fuel is administered to CARE vehicles on the basis of fuel coupons or a signature system (see Annex 18.56 for Fuel Coupon)
- fuel consumption should be monitored using the Fuel Issue Control Sheet (Annex 18.57)
- the fuel station should maintain a Fuel Dispensation Form (Annex 18.58) to document the fuel coupons received from CARE. This form can be attached to the monthly invoice
- monthly bills should be submitted to CARE for verification, payment or adjustment
- in some cases, CARE may be required to purchase a certain quantity of fuel in advance, which will be held by the fuel station and issued to CARE based on authorised fuel coupons being issued
- the cost of such fuel should be debited to a prepaid expenses account and then allocated to each project based on actual usage.
When fuel is purchased in bulk and issued by CARE:
- fuel should be purchased in 200-litre drums and be controlled by CARE personnel
- the Fuel Control and Inventory Sheet (Annex 18.59) should be used
- the Vehicle Log Book should also record the fuel taken at each instance to provide additional verification of fuel consumption.
Fuel consumption can be monitored through the Monthly Fuel Consumption Report (Annex 18.60) and the Monthly Fuel Expenses Report (Annex 18.61). These reports should be prepared by the transport coordinator at the end of each month.
Generator fuel usage should be accounted for using the Generator Fuel Inventory and Accounting Sheet (Annex 18.62). The following points should be adhered to when issuing fuel for generators:
- Only one person should be responsible for issuing and accounting for generator fuel.
- A log book should be maintained to record the daily quantity of fuel issued and consumed.
- The costs of fuel issued to the generator should be charged to projects on a percentage basis.