3.1 The assessment process and tools for WASH
A number of different assessment tools exist to help data collection, including an Initial Rapid Assessment (IRA) tool developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) through global Health, Nutrition and WASH Clusters. See the “Assessments” section for this tool and more information on assessments.
After an initial multi-sector rapid assessment, a more detailed WASH assessment is the next best step to develop specific WASH programme plans. The WASH cluster may decide on an assessment format for all agencies to use (if the WASH cluster has been active in-country before, an agreed assessment format should be in place before the emergency). CARE have developed a WASH assessment format which allows for disaggregation of practices and challenges by sex and age. In addition to this, the Sphere initial WASH needs assessment checklist (see Annex 24.1.1, page 124) is a useful and appropriate tool. The Engineering in Emergencies Manual (see Annex 24.1.3, page 637) also has a good sanitary survey checklist that is useful for site planning, especially where rehabilitation is a key element.
Many assessments are now undertaken using smart phones/tablets and free data collection software such as Kobo or ODK. Examples of this in CARE WASH projects include Turkey/Syria, Nepal and Vanuatu. CARE’s WASH assessment format has been inputted into Kobo for rapid use in the field – this and a training package on the software are available here.